Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Window Box Dreams

Painting #8 in the 30 day challenge!  What fun!  A large part of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge for me is pushing myself and my creativity in directions I've never gone before.  This painting certainly does that for me!  It started as an abstract and then took on a life of it's own.  I've been wanting to try something like this.  The painting evolves as it's own entity and then I used a paint marker to complete the image and design.  Until I started I didn't have any idea where it was going.  I just went with it and let my creativity guide me.  I'm pleased with the results and even my husband thinks it's 'kinda cool'.  That's good enough for me! 

Window Box Dreams.  Acrylic on wrapped canvas.  18x24.  $275. includes shipping for month of September.


  1. I like it! It makes me think of Versace. A fine blouse or scarf. The colors are very rich, and you have mixed bold with delicate.. it is cool!

  2. Versace!! I'll take it!! My husband thought it reminded him of a coffee shop in France - interesting and fun to do! I see more in my future! Thank you Sheila!
